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“Name that Bingo”Bingo Game: The rules have recently changed so make sure you are aware of how the game now plays.You have to guess how many balls will be drawn until the game is called, so inform the CM of your guess, you can guess upto the fifth ball being called out but best you get
your guess in early. You will win if you have guessed the number of balls that the game was won on or within one number either way. Prize is $1bb

Our feedback onName that Bingo:

A good game but we always guess incorrently!

“Enjoyability” rating ofName that Bingo:

We giveName that Bingoan 5 out of 10 on our “enjoyability” rating scale, it’s a fairly standard chat game and nothing to get too excited about 

European Players can play Name that Bingo at the following Sites:

Tiki Bingo – Kiwi Bingo – Blackpool Bingo

Game Schedule and Price
Time 2PM – 3PM Game Name that Bingo Card Price Dimes

More Bingo Chat Games

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Time Bomb –Mini Sliders –Block Party

American Players always welcome at:
The Bingo Hall – Claim Your Free $6 Bonus
South Beach Bingo – $5 Free Bingo Bonus